Can Steph Curry be better than LeBron James?


Basketball fans around the world have long debated who the greatest player of all time is. Among the contenders for this title are two exceptional athletes: Steph Curry and LeBron James. While LeBron has been widely regarded as one of the best players in NBA history, Curry's incredible shooting prowess and impact on the game have sparked discussions about whether he could surpass LeBron's legacy.

In this article, we will delve into various aspects of their careers and skills to determine if Steph Curry has the potential to be better than LeBron James.

Background of Steph Curry and LeBron James

Before comparing the two players, it's essential to understand their backgrounds. Steph Curry, born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio, is widely known for his incredible shooting skills and ability to revolutionize the game. LeBron James, born on December 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio, is a versatile forward known for his athleticism, basketball IQ, and leadership.

Comparing Career Achievements

When evaluating the greatness of players, their achievements play a crucial role. Both Curry and LeBron have had remarkable careers, but there are key differences in their accomplishments.


LeBron James has won four NBA championships, two with the Miami Heat and one each with the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Los Angeles Lakers. On the other hand, Steph Curry has secured three championships, all with the Golden State Warriors. While LeBron has a slight edge in terms of championship rings, it's important to consider the supporting cast and team dynamics that influence these victories.

MVP Awards

LeBron has won four regular-season MVP awards throughout his career, showcasing his dominance and impact on the game. Steph Curry has secured two MVP awards, both earned during the Warriors' championship seasons. The MVP awards reflect the individual brilliance of these players and their influence on their respective teams.

All-Star Appearances

Both players have consistently been selected for the NBA All-Star Game, demonstrating their status as top-tier talents. LeBron has appeared in the All-Star Game 17 times, while Curry has earned the honor seven times. This illustrates their popularity among fans and recognition from fellow players.

Scoring Ability

LeBron James possesses a rare combination of size, strength, and agility, allowing him to score efficiently in various ways. He excels at driving to the basket, utilizing his athleticism and body control. Steph Curry, on the other hand, is renowned for his shooting ability, particularly from beyond the arc.

His shooting range and accuracy have revolutionized the game, forcing defenses to adjust their defensive strategies. While LeBron may have the advantage in terms of versatility and scoring inside the paint, Curry's long-range shooting ability gives him a unique scoring advantage.

Three-Point Shooting

Steph Curry's three-point shooting is unmatched in NBA history. He has shattered records and set new standards for long-range shooting. His quick release, exceptional shooting form, and ability to create his own shot from anywhere on the court make him a nightmare for defenders.

On the other hand, LeBron James, although not primarily known for his three-point shooting, has improved his accuracy over the years and has become a respectable threat from beyond the arc. However, Curry's proficiency and impact from three-point range are unparalleled, giving him a significant advantage in terms of offensive firepower.


While Curry is primarily recognized for his scoring prowess, he is also an exceptional playmaker. His exceptional ball-handling skills, court vision, and ability to make accurate passes have contributed to the success of the Golden State Warriors' offense. LeBron James, on the other hand, is renowned for his exceptional playmaking ability.

His basketball IQ, passing accuracy, and ability to find open teammates make him a formidable floor general. Both players excel in creating opportunities for their teammates, but LeBron's size and court vision give him a slight edge in this aspect of the game.

Individual Defense

LeBron James, with his combination of size, athleticism, and defensive instincts, has the ability to guard multiple positions effectively. He has been recognized for his ability to shut down opponents and make crucial defensive plays.

While Curry may not have the same physical attributes as LeBron, he has shown improvement in his defensive abilities over the years. His quick hands and anticipation allow him to disrupt passing lanes and generate steals. However, LeBron's defensive versatility gives him the edge in individual defense.

Impact on Team Defense

While individual defense is important, the impact on team defense cannot be overlooked. LeBron James has a knack for organizing and communicating with his teammates on the defensive end, elevating the overall defensive performance of his team. His ability to anchor a defense and make his presence felt in protecting the rim is a testament to his defensive prowess.

Curry, although not known for his defensive presence, has contributed to the Warriors' defensive schemes through his off-ball movement and disruptive plays. However, LeBron's impact on team defense is more significant.

Team Success

Both Curry and LeBron have led their respective teams to success. Curry's three championships with the Golden State Warriors have solidified his status as a leader and winner. His ability to elevate the play of his teammates and create a winning culture has been instrumental in the Warriors' success.

LeBron James, known for his leadership and ability to galvanize his teammates, has brought multiple teams to the NBA Finals and secured championships. His impact on the court and his ability to make those around him better is unparalleled.

Influence on the Game

Steph Curry's shooting revolution has transformed the way the game is played. His long-range shooting and the constant threat he poses from beyond the arc have forced defenses to adapt their strategies. Curry's impact has changed the dynamics of the game, with teams emphasizing three-point shooting and spacing.

LeBron James, with his combination of size, athleticism, and versatility, has also influenced the game. His ability to play multiple positions effectively and make plays in crucial moments has set a standard for future players. Both players have had a significant influence on the game, albeit in different ways.

Injury History

When comparing the longevity of Curry and LeBron, it's essential to take into account their injury history. Curry has faced several injury setbacks throughout his career, including ankle and knee injuries that caused him to miss significant playing time.

On the other hand, LeBron has been relatively durable, with few major injuries affecting his performance. The ability to stay healthy and avoid long-term injuries can play a crucial role in a player's longevity and overall impact on the game.

Age and Future Performance

Another aspect to consider is age and how it may impact their future performance. As of now, Curry is 34 years old, while LeBron is 37. While both players have shown exceptional skills and continued dominance, it's natural to expect some decline in performance as they age.

However, the exact trajectory of their careers is uncertain and depends on various factors such as conditioning, injury management, and personal motivation. It remains to be seen how their skills will evolve and if they can maintain their elite level of play in the coming years.


In conclusion, the question of whether Steph Curry can be better than LeBron James is subjective and heavily debated among basketball enthusiasts. Both players have distinct skill sets and have made significant contributions to the game. Curry's shooting revolution and impact on the three-point shot cannot be understated, while LeBron's versatility, leadership, and overall dominance have solidified his status as one of the all-time greats.

While Curry's exceptional shooting skills and offensive prowess give him a unique edge, LeBron's all-around game, defensive abilities, and impact on team success cannot be ignored. The comparison between the two ultimately comes down to personal preferences and the criteria used to evaluate greatness.