How to make the Juiciest, Tasty Fried Chicken in a Few Simple Steps!


Fried chicken holds a special place as a universally cherished comfort food that brings joy to taste buds worldwide. The combination of its flavorful crispy coating and tender, juicy meat makes it an irresistible treat.

If you're eager to master the art of creating fried chicken with the perfect harmony of flavors and textures, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of crafting the juiciest and most mouthwatering fried chicken, all within the confines of your very own kitchen.

Choosing the Right Chicken

To craft exceptional fried chicken, it all begins with the selection of high-quality chicken. For optimal results, choose fresh, and ideally organic, chicken pieces like drumsticks, thighs, or wings. The quality of the chicken plays a vital role in determining the delectable taste and succulent juiciness of the end product.

Preparing the Chicken

Before embarking on your culinary adventure, it is essential to focus on the proper preparation of the chicken. Start by giving the chicken pieces a thorough wash, ensuring they are clean and free from any impurities. Afterward, gently pat them dry using paper towels, removing any excess moisture that may hinder the desired crispy texture.

The process of washing the chicken not only helps to maintain hygiene but also ensures that any surface contaminants are removed. By carefully drying the chicken, you create an ideal canvas for the flavors and coatings to adhere to during the cooking process.

Creating the Perfect Marinade

Enhancing the flavor and tenderness of the chicken is achieved through the process of marination. Begin by creating a marinade by combining buttermilk, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Stir the ingredients together until well blended.

Next, immerse the chicken pieces in the marinade, ensuring they are thoroughly coated. This allows the flavors to permeate the meat, infusing it with a delightful combination of seasonings. To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to refrigerate the chicken in the marinade for a minimum of 1 hour. For an even more pronounced flavor, consider marinating the chicken overnight.

Coating the Chicken

A flavorful coating is key to achieving that golden, crunchy exterior. In a separate bowl, mix all-purpose flour, salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and any other preferred spices. Take each marinated chicken piece and coat it thoroughly with the flour mixture.

For an extra crispy coating, you can repeat the process, dipping the chicken back into the marinade and coating it again with the flour mixture.

Preparing the Oil for Frying

Selecting the appropriate oil and maintaining the proper frying temperature are vital factors in achieving the perfect balance of crispy and juicy fried chicken. When deep frying, opt for a deep skillet or Dutch oven, ensuring it is filled with an adequate amount of oil. Peanut oil or vegetable oil are excellent choices as they have high smoke points, allowing for optimal frying conditions.

To attain the desired texture and flavor, heat the oil to approximately 350°F (175°C). This temperature ensures that the chicken develops a delectably crisp crust while retaining its succulent interior. It is crucial to strike the right balance, as excessively high temperatures can lead to an overly browned or burnt coating, while insufficient heat may result in greasy and undercooked chicken.

By carefully regulating the frying temperature, you will achieve that sought-after golden and crispy exterior that will tantalize your taste buds. The heat will seal in the moisture, locking in the juiciness that makes fried chicken so irresistible.

Achieving the Juiciest Fried Chicken

Maintaining the juiciness of the chicken is paramount, and avoiding overcooking is key. To determine the chicken's doneness, use a meat thermometer and insert it into the thickest part of the meat, ensuring it reaches the recommended temperature. This method guarantees that the chicken is cooked through while preserving its succulent texture.

Once the chicken reaches the desired temperature, it is crucial to remove it from the hot oil promptly. Transfer the cooked chicken to a wire rack or lay it on paper towels to allow any excess oil to drain away. This step helps to maintain the crispy exterior while preventing the chicken from becoming greasy.

By carefully monitoring the cooking process and relying on a meat thermometer, you can achieve perfectly cooked chicken that is both tender and juicy. Draining any excess oil further enhances the overall eating experience, ensuring that each bite is as delightful as the last.

And there you have it! The culmination of your efforts is a plate filled with the juiciest and most flavorful fried chicken. It's time to prepare yourself for the ultimate enjoyment of this delectable treat. Take a moment to appreciate the crispiness of the outer coating, perfectly complemented by the tender and juicy meat inside.

The flavors you carefully infused through marination, seasoning, and cooking techniques have harmoniously come together to create a truly tantalizing dish. Gather around the table with friends and loved ones, and indulge in the satisfaction of each succulent bite!


Making the juiciest, tasty fried chicken doesn't have to be a mystery anymore. By following these simple steps, you can create a mouthwatering dish that will impress your family and friends.

Remember to choose high-quality chicken, marinate it to enhance the flavors, coat it with a flavorful mixture, fry it to perfection, and serve it with delicious accompaniments. Get ready to savor the crispy exterior and succulent meat of your homemade fried chicken.